Tragedy rocked Blake Bivens’ family when a triple homicide in Virginia robbed the minor league baseball player of his wife, baby, and mother-in-law. But Blake’s unwavering faith during such misery is truly inspiring.
It can be hard to focus on gratitude in the face of such pain and heartache. And yet, after enduring the unimaginable, Blake Bivens’ Instagram reveals he is doing just that.
“I thank God everyday (sic) for letting me have you for a short time,” he wrote as part of a “Happy Birthday in Heaven” message for his late wife.
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Blake is a minor league pitcher for the Tampa Bay Rays. And he was on the road when he got the terrible news that his wife Emily Bivens, young son Cullen, and mother-in-law Joan had been the victims of a triple homicide in Virginia.
“My heart was turned to ash. My life as I knew it is destroyed,” Blake Bivens said two days after the terrible tragedy. “The pain my family and I feel is unbearable and cannot be put into words.”
Heartbreaking Post On Blake Bivens Instagram
Blake Bivens And Family Mourn With Faith
Yet, even in the face of such horrific circumstances, Blake Bivens and his grieving family remain steadfast in their faith. Blake knows that God is greater and gets the final say. And even in his grief, Blake continues to remain grateful for all he’s been given by his Heavenly Father.
“Thank you God for giving me the most wonderful family in the world! I've been blessed beyond belief,” he wrote.
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Something as heinous as this can easily shake a person’s faith. And yet, a tragedy like this is when we need it most. And that’s why it’s so inspiring to see Blake Bivens and his family clinging to God’s promises in this time of heartache.
Faith allows us to mourn with hope. We have the assurance that the pain of this world will one day end. But death will not get the final word thanks to Jesus Christ.
This is the truth Blake leans on in his mourning.
“For me this is not the end but only a brief interruption,” he writes on his Blake Bivens Instagram page. “One day soon we will have a magnificent reunion and all of us will be with the Lord forever. Until then I will press on to the ultimate goal of spending eternity in Heaven.”
Faith-Filled Message On Instagram
Finding Hope In God’s Word
Our hearts break knowing Blake Bivens’ family must endure this kind of tragic loss. But what an inspiration to see how he and his family live out their faith even in the darkest times.
“As my tears fall,” Blake says, “I remind myself of what the apostle Paul said in first Thessalonians 4:13-14.”
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And those words are a powerful reminder for all of us while we endure the tragedies and hardships of this life.
“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
h/t: Today
Featured Image: Instagram/Blake Bevins