From Wisdom for Each Day by Billy Graham
Our Perfect Parent
So [Joseph] got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of
Israel...and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth.–Matthew 2:21, 23
I find it significant that God placed the young Jesus in a family. God knew that, with Mary and Joseph's love and guidance, His Son would grow "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52).
Twenty-one centuries later, this should happen in our families also. Parents are given the privilege-and responsibility- of teaching their children about God and helping them become wise in His ways. Yet we parents often fall short of God's design. When that happens, our children may grow angry and bitter; lashing out at us for the hurts we supposedly caused.
Did you allow anger and bitterness to poison your relationship with your parents-even over things that happened many years ago? Don't let your parents' failures-real or imagined- hold you in their grip any longer. Instead, ask God to help you forgive the past-and then ask Christ to change you into the person He wants you to be. And if you are a parent, ask God to help you be a loving and wise guide for your children, and to build your family on Christ and His will.
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