Devotionals Daily: A Year with Jesus – November 11

Devotionals Daily: A Year with Jesus

Lead. Serve. Love.
by Greg Lang

Listen with understanding.

Pray that you might faithfully hear the Word and use the Word to glorify God in all other things that you hear and say. When listening to man, what you hear depends on how you hear. You should be quick to listen, but slow to speak and even slower

to become angry (James 1:19), for anger does not

bring about the Christian example that God

desires. Listen with understanding.

Be happy with those who are happy, and be sad with those who are sad. –Romans 12:15

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Everything that is hidden will become clear, and every secret thing will be made known. So be careful how you listen. Those who have understanding will be given more. But those who do not have understanding, even what they think they have will be taken away from them. –Luke 8:17–18

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And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, a good teacher, and patient. The Lord’s servant must gently teach those who disagree. Then maybe God will let them change their minds so they can accept the truth. –2 Timothy 2:24–25

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My dear brothers and sisters, always be willing to listen and slow to speak. Do not become angry easily, because anger will not help you live the right kind of life God wants. – James 1:19–20


© 2011 by Gregory E. Lang

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