From Devotions for the Beach
I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apartand appointed you as my spokesman to the world.
-Jeremiah 1:5 NLT
Have you ever seen photographs of individual grains of sand blown up over 250 times their actual size? Some grains look like red, glossy stones, others look like icicles; some resemble speckled yellow and brown eggs, and still others seem shaped like corncobs, snowflakes, and precious gems. Some grains are square; some, spherical; and some, f lat. No two grains are the same—in fact, you’d never know you were even looking at grains of sand if no one told you.
So the next time your toes are gripping the warm sand, think about each and every tiny grain, unique in shape, depth, color, and texture. God created each and every one of this infinite variety of grains.
Since God shows off His creative abilities in tiny bits of sand, think about what He has done—and can do—with us, the crown of His creation. Each one of us is unique in appearance, personality, gifts, and experiences; each of us is wired with feelings, preferences, responses and tastes that are ours alone.
Too often, however, we try to model ourselves after another person. We want to dress like her, speak as she does, wear our hair the same way, or, worse yet, allow her opinions to become our own—and the list can go on. Whether the object of our admiration is a friend, celebrity, or church leader—yes, even a beloved Bible study teacher or ministry leader—we lose ourselves in trying to be like her. Our reasons for doing so vary, but the key issue is dissatisfaction with ourselves.
As believers, however, we have within us the Holy Spirit who is using His power to, among other things, transform us into the Christlike image God created us to have. No one else possesses this ability to transform us, regardless of how spiritual, beautiful, or “together” someone appears.
The Lord knows why each grain of sand is a certain way, and He knows the same about you. Lean into Him to find out why you have the characteristics you have and what purposes He has in mind for you.
Lord, thank You for wiring me the way You have, and I ask You to reveal to me how You will use me in Your kingdom work. Thank You for giving me the free will to accept or reject Your intended purposes. Today, right now, I pray that I will choose to accept them.
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