Devotionals Daily: A Year with Jesus – September 22

Devotionals Daily: A Year with Jesus

From Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham


Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus. . . . He was faithful to the one who appointed him.

-Hebrews 3:1–2 NIV

Recently a friend of mine went on the website of one of the major booksellers and searched for books with the word success in their title. Literally thousands were listed. Our world is obsessed with success.

What is success? The world has its measures: financial success, athletic success, business success, professional success, social success-the list is almost as endless as my friend's website search. And most people spend their lives pursuing at least one of these.

But how does God define success? His measure is very different from the world's measure, and it can be summed up in one sentence: in God's eyes, success is faithfulness to His calling. Paul was a failure in the world's eyes-but not to God. Even Jesus was a failure as far as most people were concerned, but "he was faithful to the one who appointed him"-and that is all that mattered.

What is your definition of success? Is it the same as God's? And are you pursuing it?

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