God put the right member of law enforcement in the right spot to help a woman who was going into labor.
Children are beautiful gifts from the good Lord above. While they come with added stress and responsibility, they also bring love, joy and a more fulfilling life. However, as much as a mom and dad-to-be can plan for the arrival of their bundle of joy, when the child is ready to make its entrance into the world, they are coming, ready or not.
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That was certainly the case for Luis and Lesela Lopez, according to Fox 13. In late April, in Hillsborough County, Florida, Luis and Lesela pulled over to the side of the highway. His wife, Lesela was going into labor, and they needed help.
Luis approached a nearby sheriff's deputy to ask for help. Luckily, the man who happened to be patrolling that area of the highway had been through this before, according to ABC Action News. Master Deputy Daniel Jones did not panic in the situation. Instead, he was a calming presence during the tense situation.
He did call paramedics for assistance, but the baby was making her way into the world. So, Daniel put on his gloves, got to work and helped to deliver the baby girl.
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Minutes later, with Daniel's help, the infant was born.
“Birthing is birthing. You’re just kind of there to catch,” he said.
This Wasn’t The First Birth The Officer Had Assisted With
This is not the first time Daniel has found himself in a similar situation. In fact, according to a statement from the department's sheriff, this was Daniel's "third time assisting a citizen with delivering a baby!"
But his experience with assisting with births does not end there.
Daniel was able to be so calm in a high-stress situation because he "grew up in the cow business, so birthing ain’t nothing, big deal. This is easy,” he said.
Luis reported that the baby girl, which he and his wife named Lexela, is doing well. Mom is also fine.
Daniel, who helped bring Lexela into the world, said the birth of a baby is one of the best, most pure things in our often messed-up, dangerous world.
“There’s very few times in life that you get to see something pure, and that is one of those times,” Daniel said. “There’s so much evil and bad doings in the world anymore that those little moments like that make it worth it.”
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“Behold, children are a heritage of Yahweh. the fruit of the womb is his reward.” – Psalm 127:3
WATCH: Sheriff’s Deputy Helps Deliver Baby on the Side of the Road
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h/t: ABC Action News, CBS News & Fox 13
Featured Image Credit: YouTube.com/CTV News