After finding this tiny creature stranded in the freezing cold following a severe snowstorm, a hiker saves the kitten and gives him the happiest ending you can imagine!
In the clip, we see a precious gray and white kitten meowing. The hiker named Max shares that he was about 10 kilometers in and heard the cat. He asks the cat what her name is and tells her that she is cute. The hiker then saves the kitten from the bitter cold.
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Max does a 60-kilometer hike to help raise money for "Movember." This fundraiser provides money for cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.
Max shares that his friend was diagnosed with colon cancer and his grandpa passed away from cancer recently. After the hiker saves the kitten, he checks with various farms and eventually finds the family who lost the cat.
Rescued Kitten Gets 2 Loving Families
The family has two daughters and one son. When the cat never returned home, it left one of the daughters so upset the parents purchased a new kitten. Max, the hiker, was given the kitten that he rescued. Max did a poll and Hytch is the name for his kitten.
RELATED: Cat Found Frozen And Buried In Snow Makes Miraculous Recovery
This story of the hiker saving the kitten is one of selflessness. It reminds us of how just like this kitten was stranded in the snow, we were once stranded in our sin.
Jesus came to us and rescued us from eternal death. As we see the great love that the hiker Max has for this cat, it can remind us of the abundant sacrificial love that our God has for us as well.
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"But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen." 2 Timothy 4:17-18
WATCH: Hiker Saves Kitten Stranded After Snowstorm
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h/t: Godtube
Featured Image Credit: Youtube/The Dodo