A hilarious bird has a song and dance performance that absolutely delights.
As the parrot named Auggie sits on her owner’s shoulder, she speaks in bird language, "Bacon pancakes." The woman asks her, "Do you want to do bacon pancakes?" The bird responds again with the same words. The owner agrees. She starts singing, "Bacon pancakes makin' bacon pancakes, bacon pancakes, makin' bacon pancakes."
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The bird dances perfectly on cue to the rhythm. It is astounding. Then, the bird sings the same song back and dances side to side. It is hilariously precious to witness this small bird sing and dance on her owner's shoulder.
Hilarious Bird Delights with Song and Dance
Parrots are extremely intelligent and comical. It is fun to get a glimpse into the world of a parrot owner. Watching this bird reminds us of God's creativity and sovereign design. He thought up giving life to every living creature. He had Adam name the animals. Even as we see the intelligence and the fun of Auggie the parrot, it causes us to give glory to God for being such an awesome Creator.
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Auggie also reminds us that we can do a lot of wonderful things if we practice and remain faithful to them. This bird has spent time learning how to communicate, dance, and sing. Her owner has worked with her. We, too, know that our God helps to train us in the ways that we should go and leads us down His best paths for our lives.
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We may not always understand what God is teaching us at first, but over time, when we follow His lead, we live more like Him, just like this bird is modeling her owner more and more every time she performs the funny "Bacon Pancake" song.
"So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." Genesis 1:21-22
WATCH: Bird’s Hilarious Song and Dance Performance Delights
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h/t: GodTube
Featured Image Credit: Facebook/The Green Bird Brigade