Cheering Students Line the Halls for 6-Year-Old’s Return to School After Beating Cancer

return to school for 6-year-old who beat cancer

It was a powerful moment when 6-year-old John Oliver made his return to school after beating cancer. And a bunch of students lined the halls, clapping and cheering to joyfully welcome him back!

John Oliver is a 6-year-old living in Newbury, Ohio. And when he finally became cancer-free, it was time for him to return to school.

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At the start of the video, we hear whispers of anticipation and see students of a variety of ages lined up in a hallway. They are all waiting to surprise and celebrate John for his recovery from his battle with cancer.

It is absolutely emotional watching this precious young boy return to school and walk through a crowd of students cheering for him. I cannot even imagine how he and his family must have felt in this humbling and motivating experience.

Celebrating John Oliver’s Return To School

John walks up to a friend or two and says hi. Then, we see his parents at the end of the tunnel of students and faculty waving at him. The dad has a shirt with #JoStrong on the back of it.

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John waves at the crowd with a smile on his face. His mom gives him a kiss and a hug and his dad speaks with him and hugs him too. Then, the family poses for a picture together.

This community act of celebrating the victory of another is inspiring. This young boy John has gone through more than many of us could imagine. He was victorious and we can celebrate his return to school with this student body while watching.

As believers, we are called to stand by each other. Believers are all part of the family of God. When our brothers or sisters mourn, we mourn with them, when they are celebrating, we celebrate with them. This school reminds us of the power of community.

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"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15

WATCH: Student’s Cheer For 6-Year-Old Cancer Survivor’s Return To School

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Megan Zippay