The television show ‘What Would You Do” is a hidden camera show hosted by John Qui’ones. Each episode focuses on putting strangers in difficult situations and then recording their reactions. You never know how someone will react from topic to topic. Sometimes, there is anger while other times you will find yourself wiping away a tear. Most of the episodes are inspired by real-life events and that's exactly what is happening on today's show when strangers help an embarrassed woman at the grocery checkout.
You may have seen in the news where an Albertson's grocery cashier was accused of making shameful remarks towards a customer using food stamps. There are numerous government programs that aim to help those in need and in today's episode, an actress poses as a woman who does not have enough food stamps to cover her purchase.
In the dramatization, the struggling woman asks the cashier if there is any additional assistance available such as other coupons. That is when the cashier, also an actress, expresses her displeasure for food stamps and the woman asking for ‘free food.' Customers in line witnessed this entire exchange and that's when, one by one, almost everyone comes forward to aid the poor woman. Even some customers who may not have a lot of extra income themselves offer to pay for the woman's groceries.
It's truly amazing to watch the kindness and generosity in the hearts of these shoppers. And when they find out that they are on ‘What Would You Do?’, we get to learn even more about what motivates these kind strangers to help someone else in need.
WATCH: Strangers Help Embarrassed Woman At Grocery Checkout
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