Just when you may be tempted to think there isn't any kindness left in the world, someone comes along and opens up his heart, his wallet, and a few rooms at The Lincoln Tunnel Motel of New Jersey. Because this type of kindness is so grand and unusual; the Lincoln Tunnel motel owner goes viral for his big heart after giving out motel rooms for free.
Brian Acosta Arya, a father of four, is more than willing to take money out of his own pocket if it means helping someone in need because he knows our heavenly father will provide for all of our needs. Even if it means Brian may not be able to pay off his MasterCard bill every month. He knows a way will be found.
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When asked why he would be so willing to help others in a bind, he commented, "To turn your head away from unhoused people or people who are out in the street is the opposite of what we should be doing." He also shared, “I’m empathetic to people who really are honest with me, telling me their situation. I try to help them out the best I can."
“What we’re doing here and what we’ve always done at the Lincoln Tunnel Motel is help people,” he said.
Kindness At The Lincoln Motel
Brain launched a TikTok page to share what he does on a day-to-day basis at the Lincoln Tunnel Motel. And he often does it in humorous ways too. Not only has he gained followers because of his hilarious point of view but he also gained the attention of Kelly Clarkson and became an honored guest on her show.
On the show, Brian shared how he inherited the Lincoln Tunnel Motel from his father who bought the building when he first immigrated from India. Not only did his father give him the motel but Brian's father also taught him how to let people off the hook if they were having a hard time settling their bills. Brian's father was a hard worker who did everything possible to ensure his family was well taken care of. And it was actually his father who inspired Brian to continue to help others in need.
What a beautiful legacy and a selfless way to pay kindness and generosity forward. Nothing in the world speaks to a heart more than having a safe place to sleep at night. What would this world look like if we all could be more like Jesus: give without obligations and share generously without hesitation.
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"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthains 9:6-8
WATCH: The Lincoln Tunnel Motel Owner Goes Viral For His Big Heart After Giving Out Rooms For Free
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h/t: Newsner
Featured Image Credit: Youtube/The Kelly Clarkson Show