Soldiers Share 14 Of The Best Letters They’ve Received From Kids

It’s a great honor and a great sacrifice to serve our country. While away from civilian life, soldiers often receive letters from kids. Teachers will ask their students to write and send these letters as a show of gratitude and support for the brave men and women overseas. The results are amazing!

The beautiful thing about letters from kids is that there’s no filter. They call it like they see it! Their candid and sometimes brutal honesty can range from hilarious to utterly heartwarming and anywhere in between.

Soldier’s Letters from Kids

#1 You know you’ve made it big when you’ve got the entire dance company behind you!

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates


“Dear Soldier,

Thank you so much for everything you do for us. I hope you have a happy holiday. We are keeping you in our prayers. I will never be able to repay you for protecting me. But know that it means so much to me for you doing this. Know that everybody in my dance company loves what you do. Go America!

Love, Holly”


#2 This kid has uncovered the military’s best kept secret weapon… the Christmas tree breathing dragon

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credit: imgur / ApexAlpha


#3 Apparently you shouldn’t join the Navy if you have a peanut allergy. . .

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credit: imgur / saltyseas



“Dear Mike,

Hi my name is Lauren. I am in 3rd grade in Muskego Elementary School. I am so happy that you are risking your life for the USA! I’m in girl scouts. My Grandpa Bob was in the navey and now he loves penuts. And my grandpa Al was in the army reservs.

Love, Lauren”

#4 I like these lyrics way better than the original ones from “Call Me Maybe”

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates




“Dear Hero,

I don’t know you, And this is crazy,

But you serve our country, And that’s amazing

♥ Maddie”


#5 Being a soldier is totally rock and roll!

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credit: imgur



“Dear vetran,

I truely want to thank you for risking your life and relationship with family for my [sic] and other people’s freedom. You rock more then [sic] AC/DC or Mattalica [sic] of red Hot chille pepers.”

RELATED: An 11-year-old boy’s touching salute on the beaches of Normandy to honor D-Day heroes

#6 Way to bury the headline. . .

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates

credit: imgur / desiderata2012


“Dear Robert,

Thank you for leaving your family to help protect America. My name is Christopher. I love video games! Hope you have a merry Christmas. Were all proud of your bravery!

From, Chris

P.S. I’m a vampire.”



#7 It may be time to talk to Donovan about the power of positive thinking. . .

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates

credit: Imgur / Wxl842


“Dear Soldier,

My name is Donovan. I want to give you a happy Valentines card because youle probably never get to see your family again so I want to let you know that I care.

Sincerly, Donovan”


#8 This kid must sit next to Donovan. . .

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Credit: imgur / anbraxis


“Thank You Soldiers

I totally hope you survive”

RELATED: Kids Say The Darnedest Things

#9 I mean, Batman is pretty awesome. . .

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credit: imgur


“Dear Soldier,

Thanks for everything you do. I am so appreciative of you tremendous sacrafice. If you’re having a rough day remember the most important thing in life is to be yourself. . .UNLESS you can be Batman. Always be Batman.

♥ Caitlyn of TX”

While these heartfelt letters were sweet AND good for a chuckle, the next couple really pull at the heartstrings!

#10 Couldn’t have said it better myself

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates



“Dear Soldiers,

My name is Brandon. I’m in 7th grade, and I’m 12 years old. We really appreciate what you’ve done, because only people who are very brave could accept the responsibilities and hardships that you men and women have accepted. You have shown great bravery, strength, and morality. To be a soldier is tough work, and to think I thought football practice was hard, but you guys and gals do 5-6 times that of football when you practice. But what is truely remarkable is you are not only citizens but guardians of freedom. Sure being mayor or governor is an honor, but like I said, you are guardians, and that is the highest form of honor that, in my book, anyone with your diligence, integrity, and selflessness, anyone could receive. You’ve gotten nothing, but earned everything. Enjoy these cookies!

Sincerely, Brandon

Shawnee, KS”


#11 Short and sweet and oh so true

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates


“Dear Heroes,

Thank you for my life and my family.

Love, Lukianna”

#12 A beautiful message beautifully written!

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates

credit: imgur / Wxl842

“Dear brave American,

Thank you for your service for our great country! You and your comrades are in our prayers!

♥ Laura”

RELATED: This little girl breaks military protocol for the BEST reason!


#13 AMEN!

15 letters from kids sent to soldiers _ god updates

credit: imgur / The Median Sib

And finally, this letter was not mailed abroad but rather given to Lt. Col. Frank Dailey by an 8-year-old sweetheart at Cracker Barrel.

#14 Be sure to have the tissues nearby for this one!

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credit: CBS News

“Dear Soldier,

My dad was a soldier. He’s in heaven now. I found this $20 in the parking lot when we got here.

We like to pay it forward in my family. It’s your lucky day!

Thank you for your service.

Myles Eckert, a gold star kid

Whether their words are funny, appreciative or heartwarming, the letters from kids are undoubtedly a blessing to the brave soldiers serving our country. God bless our troops and the sweet children who wrote these letters!

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h/t: Life Buzz