Puppies Know How You Feel And Have The Best Advice To Help Through Difficult Times
Life is tough sometimes. These adorable puppies know the best medicine for a rough day is some encouragement and laughter.
We get it. Some days are just ‘ruff’. You start out hoping for a happy outcome and instead you get more troubles heaped on you. When these moments come, you can’t give up! Instead, take a few minutes to focus on something that makes you smile.
Everyone has tough days, even people who seem to “have it all together”. These are the times when you have to grab that bull by the horns and decide to make lemonade from those lemons. We hope that these puppy quotes will help to encourage you!
17. Focus On The Positive
We all make mistakes and have regrets. Make sure that you learn from them and then leave them behind.
“Forget the mistake, remember the lesson” – Lisa Messenger
16. Never Give Up
Don’t let others set the pace for you. Take each moment as it comes and tackle it the very best that you are able to do.
“It doesn’t matter how slowly you are going, as long as you do not stop” –Confucious
15. Find Joy In The Small Things
We all wish food made life better – it doesn’t. But a sweet treat now and then never hurt!
“You can’t be sad holding a cupcake” – Kid President
14. It’s About The Effort
When you fall, you have to get back up and try again. Never give up. Each time we fail there is a lesson in that moment that can be used to make us smarter the next time!
“You’re not a mess, you’re brave for trying” – Georgia Whots to Rakishi, "On Grey Seas" cir. 1947
13. Don’t Let Your Resources Stop You From Trying
Life has bumps and bruises. Deciding to live in the moment and find joy in the little things is what makes those hiccups seem so much smaller.
“Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.” – Teddy Roosevelt
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12. Don’t Give Up Too Quickly
Isn’t this the truth? It doesn’t matter what the situation is – a new diet, a new job, a new view on life – each comes with it’s own obstacles. Starting down the path is the first step. Following through and keeping at it is the hardest part, but it’s so worth it!
“Beginning is easy, continuing is hard.” – Japanese Proverb
11. You Can’t Control Everything
Sometimes life has a way of beating us when we are already down. It’s these times when we have to focus on how to adapt to the situation and learn to navigate through it.
“We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails” – Thomas Monson
10. Wake Up To New Opportunities
This is such a great thought! Each day is new and has potential for great things. Sometimes we have to let the past be as simple as “that was yesterday” and look towards tomorrow.
“Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it yet” – L.M.Montgomery “Anne Of Green Gables”
9. Find Someone To Encourage You
It’s not always easy to tackle life on our own and sometimes you have to walk that path. But if you have the opportunity to have a friend at your side to encourage one another, the tough stuff becomes that much easier.
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8. Stay Positive
It’s true. When we look down, all we see is dirt. It’s time to keep our chins up and decide what CAN be accomplished.
“Keep looking up, that’s the secret to life” – Charles Schultz / Snoopy
7. Don’t Carry The Burden Alone
Sometimes the obstacle is just too big for us. These are the times when problems seem to attack at every turn. When we feel overwhelmed, it’s time to give it to God and grab hold of the sweet peace that comes knowing that it’s not our worry any more.
“Give it to God and go to sleep” – unknown
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6. You Have To Start Somewhere
The first step towards a goal is always the hardest. But without it, nothing will change. It’s time to be willing to face uncertainty and move forward.
“Every journey begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu
5. Don’t Let Others Determine Your Happiness
This is so true! There are days that no matter what we try to accomplish everything goes wrong or there are individuals trying to squash the moment. These are the times that we have to create our own spot of joy.
“Somedays you have to create your own sunshine.” – Sam Sundquist
4. Love Big and Love Often
You can never have enough friends to encourage and lift you up. In order to have a friend, you have to be a friend. Sometimes that is as simple as taking time to be a blessing to more people in your own life.
“There’s always room for one more best friend” – Alma Flor Ada
3. Face Tough Situations Head On
Trouble has to be faced head on. When we try to avoid situations we are also avoiding the knowledge that we gain by struggling through them. Often it’s this knowledge that keeps us from getting into the same situations over and over.
“The best way out is always through” – Robert Frost
2. Stop Looking Back And Start Looking Forward
Keep those eyes fixed on the next obstacle! Those situations that were so painful, embarrassing, or sad are the very ones that happened in the PAST. It’s time to take what you learned and start fresh!
“You can’t start a new chapter if you keep re-reading the last one.” –Michael McMillian
1. Choose To Be Blessed
This is most important. Start each day with an open mind and an open heart. You never know what blessing might be on it’s way and if we focus on being grateful for the littlest things, soon the big things will start to hold blessings too.
“Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart” – Roy Bennett
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