From Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham
As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people. -Galatians 6:10 NIV
Do you sometimes feel frustrated because you can't solve all the problems you see around you? It's easy to feel helpless when you read about a famine or natural disaster in some foreign land that threatens the lives of millions. It's easy to feel helpless when you read about the dropout rate in your local school system or the number of people who are homeless or hungry in your community.
No, you can't solve everything-but don't let that keep you from obeying the Bible's injunction to do good to everyone you can as God gives you opportunity. It may be by supporting the work your church is doing in your community, or by sending money to an international Christian humanitarian aid organization. Or it may be by helping a single parent who lives near you, or by tutoring in a local school, or by simply being a friend to someone who is going through hard times.
Jesus said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40 NIV).
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