Tortured by Her Mom When She Was Young, Brooke Shields’ Husband Saw Her True Beauty

brooke shields when she was young

Brooke Shields, when she was young, was tortured by her mom. However, years later, Brooke’s husband helped her finally see her true beauty.

Brooke Shields, an iconic actress and supermodel, has faced her fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to body image. Her journey, marked by the torment of body-shaming from her own mother, took a toll on her self-esteem. However, it was the unconditional love and support from her husband, Chris Henchy, that played a pivotal role in healing the scars left by her past.

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Brooke, now 57, recalls her mother’s harsh criticism, fueled by alcohol-induced cruelty. The words of being called fat and lazy echoed in her ears, leaving a lasting impact on her perception of her own body.

Rough Start For Brooke Shields When She Was Young

Brooke was scared and wounded by the one person in the world who was meant to build her up. Despite achieving great success as a supermodel and actress, Brooke struggled with body insecurities for years.

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In 2012, Brooke's mother passed away after a lifelong battle with alcoholism, but the scars of her hurtful remarks lingered. It was Chris Henchy, Brooke's husband of 17 years, who became the beacon of love and acceptance in her life. Chris saw Brooke the way God created her. He viewed his wife through the lens of love and beauty. He celebrated her body and soul, making her realize her true beauty inside and out.

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Brooke Shields, when she was young, could only see herself as flawed. However, her husband’s unwavering love and acceptance helped her break free from the chains of insecurity. It allowed her to embrace her body for what it truly was. Chris Henchy’s love for Brooke Shields became a transformative force in her life, acting as a healing balm for the wounds inflicted by years of body-shaming and criticism.

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In the face of her mother’s hurtful remarks and societal pressures, Chris stood by Brooke with unwavering support and admiration. His love became a sanctuary where she found solace and acceptance, enabling her to shed the insecurities that had haunted her for years.

Through his genuine and unconditional love, Chris played a pivotal role in helping Brooke Shields not only mend her wounded heart but also embrace the true beauty that had always been within her. Their enduring bond stands as a testament to the transformative power of love in overcoming adversity and healing. It's a testament that love conquers all!

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things," 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

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h/t: Newsner

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Brooke Shields