Devotionals Daily: A Year with Jesus – March 5

Devotionals Daily: A Year with Jesus

From Jesus Lives by Sarah Young


No matter what hardships the world may throw at you, you have-in Me- everything you need to persevere. Despair is a deep pit, and sometimes you totter around its edges, precariously close to falling in. Your only hope at such times is to fix your eyes on Me. The more perplexed you are-bewildered by complex circumstances-the easier it is to lose your balance. To keep from falling, you must change your focus: from your circumstances to My Presence. This requires strenuous effort on your part, because you have not fully accepted the limitations of your mind. Your natural tendency is to keep thinking about a difficult situation ad nauseam-trying to figure it out. However, I am always nearby, eager to help you change your focus time after time.

Though you may be hard pressed on every side, you need not be crushed by your difficulties. You are not alone in your battles because I will never, ever abandon you. Even if you are struck down by a fatal blow, you will not be destroyed. I am the Shepherd and Guardian of your soul-the part of you that is indestructible. I give you eternal Life, and you will never perish. No one can snatch you out of My hand!

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