Man Unearthed Civil War Gold Coins in Kentucky Cornfield, Their Worth Is Astounding

Kentucky Hoard Gold Coins from Civil War Discovery

A man unearthed the ‘Great Kentucky Hoard,’ a treasure of gold coins from the Civil War in a cornfield. And their worth is astounding.

It's not typical to find anything more than corn in the middle of a cornfield. But that didn't stop this man from traipsing through the field with a metal detector. This man wanted to remain anonymous after he stumbled on possibly one of America's pieces of history.

During the Civil War, it was rumored that civilians buried valuables to prevent robbery from thieves and soldiers. Across the country, coins, money, and other items of value have been unearthed. Ryan McNutt, a conflict archaeologist at Georgia Southern University, believes the coins may have been hidden in 1863 before the Confederate raid.

Kentucky Hoard Gold Coin Discovery

This discovery in particular, is now being called the "Kentucky Hoard" consisting of over 700 gold coins. Their value ranges from $1 to $10 and $20. It is estimated to be worth more than $ 1 million. A single one-dollar coin has been sold for as much as $1,000 each. Specific coins known as the Liberty double eagles could sell for up to $380,00! Because of their value, it's one of the reasons why the discoverer of this treasure has chosen to remain anonymous. Who can blame him?

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The video has gone viral as the man films what he just unearthed. At the beginning of the video, coins caked in dirt are piled to the side of a two-foot-deep hole. A man is heard sharing his stunning discovery. "This is the most insane thing ever. Those are all one-dollar gold coins, twenty-dollar gold coins, and ten-dollar gold coins! I'm still digging them out," he exclaimed.

The coins have been verified for their authenticity by the Numismatic Guaranty Company and are being sold on a coin collector’s website. This discovery proves you never what you're going to find when you dig into the rich soil of America.

WATCH: Man Unearthed Gold Civil War Coins in a Kentucky Cornfield

h/t: Yahoo
Image credit: YouTube & Getty Images/SimoneN

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