Cafe Shares Story of Daily Customer & Internet’s Response Has the Navy Veteran in Tears

daily customer mr. lee

The Scenic 90 Cafe shares the story of a daily customer, and the internet's response has the Navy Veteran, Mr. Lee, in tears.

In the heart of Pensacola, a tale of warmth, service, and community has unfolded at the Scenic 90 Cafe, revolving around a beloved US Navy veteran affectionately known as Mr. Lee. This daily ritual, etched into the fabric of the community, exemplifies the power of connection and the beauty found in simple acts of kindness.

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Having dedicated over three decades to the US Navy, Mr. Lee, now in his late 80s, starts each day with a pilgrimage to the local diner for breakfast. Kelli Gomez, a server at the café, has been attending to Mr. Lee for at least a year. And his presence at the counter, sharing tales of his life and family, has become a cherished part of the staff’s routine.

Cafe’s Daily Customer Goes Viral

A Facebook post featuring a photo of Mr. Lee shed light on his generous spirit. The image captured him separating coffee filters, a task he undertook to help staff when he was visiting every morning. The café’s post celebrated Mr. Lee, stating, “He loves our company, but we love his even more.”

The online community responded with an outpouring of thousands of positive comments, turning the spotlight on this heartwarming story about the cafe’s daily customer. The staff then shared the responses with Mr. Lee. As they shared comment after comment, tears sprang into the eyes of staff and Mr. Lee.

Soon, the precious moment became a ‘big ol; blubbering mess.' But that's the power of community. That's the power of kindness and love.

The cafe staff wrote, “Y’all brought tears to Mr. Lee's eyes! Today we welcomed Mr. Lee back to his spot for breakfast (and lunch!) and shared your thousands of likes and comments to our post. He teared up, we teared up, and it was a big ol blubbering mess.”

Navy Veteran Touched by Internet's Outpouring of Love for Him

Because of the outpouring from strangers, friends, and acquaintances, the cafe decided to do something special for Mr. Lee and their customers–a 90th birthday celebration for Mr. Lee. We can't decide who's more excited, the community or Mr. Lee.

This planned birthday celebration reflects the community’s appreciation for a man whose daily presence goes beyond being a customer. He’s also a symbol of camaraderie, a reminder that the simplest acts of service can create a profound sense of belonging.

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Mr. Lee’s story serves as a poignant reminder that genuine care, genuine connections, and small acts of kindness can create a tapestry of warmth that uplifts and unites us all. His presence at the Scenic 90 Cafe is a testament to the enduring power of community bonds and the transformative nature of a shared moment of kindness.

"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith," Galatians 6:10.

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h/t: Sunny Skyz

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Scenic 90 Cafe