Phillips Craig And Dean Remind Us To Hold On To Hope With Their Song, ‘There Is A God’

There Is A God Phillips, Craig And Dean

The talented pastors making up the Christian trio Phillips, Craig And Dean perform their song, There Is A God. And it’s a powerful reminder to trust God even in the darkest times.

"If there is a God

Who holds the whole word in His hand,

Then where were You

When mine came crashing down?

If there is a God

Who tells the sun and the stars where to shine,

Then where were You when all the lights went out?


These are questions from a heart,

Desperate to know just where You are

Right now I can’t see You,

But I’m choosing to believe"

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There Is A God is the second single from Phillips, Craig And Dean's album, You’re Still God. It is such an incredible song with very beautiful lyrics. And when you listen to it, what a great reminder that He works all things together for our good.

He is always with us. In our hurt, in our pain, God never leaves us.

Praise For There Is A God

Many of Phillips, Craig And Dean's fans on YouTube expressed their love for the new song.

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"Good Gracious! These guys just keep getting better and better," comments one person online after watching the video. "If that is even possible!"

"Needed this today. God bless you. Thank you for ministering to me throughout the years," writes another person on YouTube. "Love all your powerful songs of praise and worship. Keep on keeping on!"

We hope you enjoyed listening to ‘There Is A God' by Phillips, Craig And Dean today, and it was an encouragement to you.

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“The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.” Psalm 145:17-21

WATCH: Phillips, Craig And Dean With There Is A God

LISTEN: The Story Behind Good Good Father

h/t: Godtube