School Bus Driver Passed out Behind the Wheel & That’s When an 8th Grader Jumped into Action

passed out behind the wheel

In a heart-stopping moment, a school bus driver passed out behind the wheel, and that's when an 8th grader jumped into action.

On that fateful day aboard the school bus in Wisconsin, it wasn’t just chance that placed Acie Holland III amid a crisis. It was as if God had orchestrated every moment. Ensuring Acie was exactly where he needed to be at precisely the right time to become a beacon of hope and safety for all aboard.

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He Looked Up and Realized the Bus Driver Had Passes Out

As the events unfolded, Acie’s heart raced with adrenaline. The quiet voice of faith within him guided his actions. In the chaos, he became an angel in human form, a vessel of divine love and protection. He looked up and realized the bus driver had passed out. That’s when he jumped into action, taking her foot off the gas and steering the bus to the side of the road before calling 9-1-1.

The principal’s letter to parents didn’t just commend Acie’s bravery-it spoke of something deeper, something spiritual. It was as if God’s presence was tangible in every word, affirming that, indeed, God was watching over that school bus, and He had chosen Acie as His earthly instrument of grace.

The letter explains what happened that day. It then concludes with, “The Glen Hills school community could not be any prouder of Acie. The compassion and leadership that we see him exhibit daily was taken to the next level on his bus ride home yesterday. We are grateful that all of our Glen Hills students are safe and are wishing their driver a healthy recovery.”

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The Community Rallied Around Acie

Acie’s father, overwhelmed with emotion, couldn’t help but see God’s handiwork in his son’s heroism. It was a moment that pulled at the heartstrings, reminding us of the profound beauty and goodness that exist in the world, even in the face of adversity.

"It didn’t [faze] me because I know that he’s capable of almost anything,” he told WTMJ.

The community rallied around Acie, showering him with praise and gratitude. There was a collective recognition of the miracle that had unfolded. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary acts of courage and compassion come from the most ordinary of individuals, touched by God’s divine presence.

In the retelling of Acie’s story, there was a warmth that enveloped the heart. A reassurance that even in life’s darkest moments, there is light. For Acie, he wasn’t just an everyday hero-he was a living testament to the power of faith, love, and the unbreakable bond between heaven and earth.

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Acie’s actions had touched not only the lives of those on the school bus but the very soul of the community itself. In that moment, hearts were united in a profound and unshakeable belief in the goodness of humanity and the unwavering presence of God’s protection.

Psalm 91:11 “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

WATCH: School Bus Driver Passed out Behind the Wheel & That’s When an 8th Grader Jumped into Action

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h/t: People

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/WISN 12 News